Roger Sexton one of the most intriguing and enlightening contestants from the CBS reality show Survivor: The Amazon passed away on October 26, 2022, at the age of seventy-six. This was shocking news to the world and his bereaving family announced the death news to the world. Let us see who was Roger Sexton and what happened to him.
Who Was Roger Sexton?
Roger Kenward Sexton was born on September 26, 1946, raised and born in Oakland, California. Roger Sexton was one of the compelling contestants from Survivor: The Amazon show and he was regarded as abrasive and a bigot by his castaways. At the merge of the show, he always had differences with Deena Bennet and she became totally fed up with Roger’s overt misogyny.
Roger Sexton got graduated from high school during the year 1964. And he was enrolled in San Francisco college then. But after he went to college he happens to decide to quit college and joined the US Marine Corps and vehemently fought in Vietnam.
After that Roger Sexton came back to the United States and worked as a construction laborer full-time. He happen to sit with the thought of completing his halfway education and attending night school while toiling during the day.
From California Polytechnical State University Roger Sexton with his determination acquired a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Technology. He worked as the vice president at a massive construction company and during that time he was selected as the contestant.
Roger Sexton was so fond of snow skiing, mountain biking, backpacking, and seeing films. He was so fond of doing many adventure sports and he always made an impression about himself as intense, confident, and temperamental. He was married to Diane and they both share two beautiful daughters named Amy and Heather.
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He was a proud father by all means and he was so lovable to his family. Unfortunately his daughter, Heather died at the age of sixteen and that was a piece of debilitating news for his family in early 1992.
Cause Of Death Explained!
Survivor Contestant Roger Sexton died on October 26, 2022, leaving the world and his family in a deep pit of grief and despair. According to his obituary, he was suffering a long way with Lewy body dementia. He valiantly fought this health issue for a long period and finally had to give up because of its relentless hunting.
Before getting on Survivor, Roger Sexton lived a great invigorating life and he served his country in Vietnam from 1966 to 1967. His death news was announced by his family, his wife, and daughters and they sought to have their privacy in this heart-writhing situation.
Lewy body dementia is a progressive disease and it can turn worse with the passing of each sun and moon. The average life span of this disease is from five to eight years after the diagnosis.
But at the same time, it can range from different years of life span according to the respective person’s health condition. Lewy body dementia according to its definition is caused by a large amount of deposition of a protein named alpha-synuclein in the brain.
So diagnosing Lewy body dementia is undoubtedly challenging and to live with that for the rest of their days is something horrifying. So Survivor Contestan Roger Sexton was diagnosed with this disease a long time back and was trying to acclimate his mind to the fact that he would soon leave his family and friends alone.
But because of his valor and resilient attitude, he managed quite well to make it seventy-six. But after he valiantly fought this challenging and horrifying disease he had to surrender because it was debilitating him passing each day. Until his last breath, he withheld his unflagging enthusiasm toward his life.
Roger Sexton Was A dichotomizing Figure In Survivor
Roger Sexton was a polarizing figure in Survivor and his entry into the show was during the sixth season of the show. The survivor show was created by Charlie Parsons and it was a reality competition where they place a group of strangers in a totally secluded place and where they provide food and shelter to them.
The Survivor contestants should participate in physically challenging activities and have to prove their strengths and abilities.
The series was the American adaptation created by Charlie Parsons titled Expedition Robinson, a Swedish original one. The American adaptation was a great success beyond their anticipation and Roger Sexton came to the show in the sixth season. The sixth season was all the more different as it brought the show to the Amazon and added an intriguing twist.
According to the reports, in the sixth season, for the first time, the two tribes that participated in it were divided by gender.
The woman formed the Jaburu tribe and whereas the men formed the Tambaqui tribe. Also, the sixth season was riveting because it was the first season where a person with a disability competed. During the Survivor show, Roger Sexton kicked off a little rocky, and always made unfair assumptions that were absolutely misogynistic.
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He claimed naturally that men are more powerful than women and but during the show, he had to eat his words because a woman won the first immunity challenge on Day three. His views and opinion about women and LGBTQ were highly repugnant and redundant his commitment and his strengths in other areas were admirable.