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These Celebrities Have Made the Move to Solar Power, and So Should You!

We think it’s fair to say: if you haven’t heard of solar panels, you must have been living under a rock! Solar is no longer an overpriced fad but a budget-friendly essential if you want to do your part in saving the planet. But did you know that many celebrities have already made the move?

While you might be forgiven for thinking solar panels are only affordable for the stars of the screen, we’re here to set the record straight. So, who exactly has donned their homes with this century’s must-have item?

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leo had to be top of the list. While we’re all still pining over the loss of Jack in Titanic, Leonardo himself has made his name known not just for his incredible acting talents but for his care for the environment. In fact, he set up a foundation dedicated to supporting projects for helping climate change and protecting wildlife when he was just 24!

If you’re looking to follow in his footsteps, check out the best portable solar panels. See how easily you can transform your home to be clean and green, just like the main man himself!

Cate Blanchett

Over in the UK, Cate Blanchett is taking her role as an environmentalist very seriously. She’s looking to transform the power supply for her entire Victorian mansion to be renewable. That’s almost 100 solar panels! From her climate crisis podcast to famously re-wearing her red-carpet looks, Cate means business when it comes to doing her bit for the planet.

She’s even clued up on the UK policies surrounding tackling climate change. She specifically noted how her project would contribute to the UK government’s carbon reduction policy in her planning proposal. We can get behind that!

King Charles

None other than the King of England himself! You might be surprised to hear it, but Charles has been an avid environmentalist for many years. Starting over a decade ago, the then Prince Charles installed solar panels on his 180-year-old royal home – Clarence House. Who knows, we might even see them pop up at Buckingham Palace soon!

You’d be forgiven for thinking that with all these rich and powerful people adopting renewable energy, it must cost an arm and a leg. That’s simply not the case, though. Incredibly, solar and renewable energy is now the cheapest in the world! It really is a win-win for you and the planet!

Our Fave Powerful Stars: Celebrities and the Sun!

So there you have it! From Oscar winners to real-life Elven queens to the King of England – solar is the way forward! We’re lucky to be living in a time where we can make a big difference while, at the same time, saving ourselves money.

It’s good to know that our favorite celebrities care as much for the environment as they do about their performances and awards. We can’t wait to see what these guys do next – both with their talent and with their environmental achievements! Are you next?

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