Big Hero 6 is a 2014 computer-animated superhero movie made in the United States and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. It is the 54th Disney animated feature picture and is loosely based on the same-titled Marvel comics written and illustrated by Man of Action. Fans of Big Hero 6 have long argued over whether the movie is more closely related to Disney or the MCU, and now Baymax’s voice actor offers his opinion.
The Big Hero 6 vs. Marvel Debate
The Baymax voice actor from Big Hero 6 has commented on the movie’s connection to Disney and Marvel Studios. Big Hero 6 received the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film in 2014 after its initial theatrical release.
This isn’t the only honor the movie has received, either.
Additionally, Big Hero 6 is the first Marvel Comics-based movie since Disney bought the publisher. Additionally, Big Hero 6: The Series, an animated offshoot program, and most recently, a Baymax series of TV shorts, were all inspired by it!
After his brother is tragically killed in an explosion, Hiro in the movie receives Baymax, a robot made to assist with medical needs.
After Hiro learns that a kabuki-mask-wearing villain is using stolen knowledge to make weapons that endanger San Fransokyo’s safety, Baymax is later upgraded and reprogrammed to fight crime.
The crew sets out to put an end to the supervillain’s ambitions and figure out why he’s so determined to wreak havoc in the city with the help of his brother’s brilliant friends and their inventions.
However, there has been continuous discussion since the film’s release as to whether it is more connected to the Marvel Cinematic Universe or the Disney Universe.
Now, it appears as though there might be a resolution to this ongoing debate. The voice of Baymax, Scott Adsit, added his opinion to the discussion. The actor clarified that Big Hero 6 will ultimately be connected to Disney.
Adsit’s summary supports many who think the movie doesn’t exactly belong in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Compared to its gigantic comic counterpart, Disney’s forgetful and endearing Baymax is a vast improvement.
In addition, EdSit’s memory of the animation design, the manner in which the movie was introduced to the cast, and the fact that Big Hero 6 was frequently omitted from the MCU movie list all support his opinions.
The actor did, however, acknowledge that the plan was to have live-action movies that would be a part of the MCU. “The Avengers” When he enters the recording booth, his mind spins out of control.
Super Hero 6 It’s distinctive in that it has a uniquely Disney family-friendly vibe, but it also has roots in the Marvel original and ties to the MCU. Similar to his participation in the live-action MCU movies, legendary Marvel Comics creator Stan Lee also makes a brief appearance in the movie.
However, Big Hero 6 doesn’t have many connections to the other MCU films, therefore up until the deep universe connections are investigated in the future, it will probably be seen as more of a Disney property. While it would be funny to watch this take place, there is a chance that the distinct tone of the franchise that makes Big Hero 6 so remarkable and unforgettable would be lost.