Racket Boys is a South Korean drama television series written by Jung Bo-Hun that premiered in 2021. Studios devised the show, which was directed by Jo Young-Kwang and Ahn Jong-Yeon. Kim Hee-yeol, Park Sang-Hyeon, and Jeong Sang-yang were the show’s producers. The show’s native language is Korean, and the first season consists of 16 episodes. The first episode premiered on May 31, 2021, and the last episode on August 9, 2021.
The show may not have a high IMDB rating, but it has a fantastic rating on MyDramaList. It has a rating of 8.8 out of 10 on MyDramaList and 1.8 on IMDB. According to Google, only 17% of its users enjoyed the performance. Despite its low IMDB rating, critics have complimented and responded positively to the show.
Is There Going to Be a Racket Boys Season 2?
We currently have no information about the release of a new season. There has been no news on the release as of yet. Typically, a series is renewed only if it has a large viewership and a large reach. As a result, you may or may not have another season. We haven’t decided yet.
Even if another season is underway, we can still only expect it to be released next year. Typically, a series must be officially renewed before production can begin. A release date is set after all of the work is completed. As of now, there is no official word on when Racket Boys Season 2 will be released. So, even if there is a sequel, we won’t see it until next year.
Racket Boys Season 1 has already premiered on May 31, 2021, with 16 episodes. Although Rocket Boys’ rating was nothing to be appreciated, fans welcomed the whole season with extended hands.
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Since the series reached a large number of people, they were already having discussions on the release of the second season, which is still not certain.
Racket Boys Season 2: Cancelled?
There is currently no information on season two of the show. The show’s creators or the official platform have not renewed it for a second season, but it has not been canceled. As a result, the fate of the second season of this underappreciated K-drama remains unknown. However, based on the impact of the first season, it is likely that the show will return to the badminton court for the second season. However, if the producers decide to go with a second season, filming and production might take a year. As a result, the second season could arrive in the final months of 2022.
What could be the Story of Racket Boys Season 2
The plot centers around a badminton instructor who relocates to the countryside with his child in order to make more money. The show began with Yoon Hyeon-jong and his father struggling to meet their basic requirements. He is unable to attend baseball practice since he is unable to pay the cost. The daughter’s name is Hae-In. She has asthma and is allergic to dust. They relocate to the countryside in order to make more money and meet their daily needs. The last episode concluded with a double match, and after winning, Hae Kang professes his emotions for Se-Yoon.
Since the closure left us with no open doors to the next season, we are unable to predict the plot of Racket Boys Season 2.
Expected Cast of Racket Boys Season 2
Ever since the Racket Boys Season 1 dropped its curtain, many have been looking for ways to watch their favorite actors together once again. With that in mind, we are hoping for the popular previous cast to show up in the second season as well, if there is any.
The show’s core cast includes Kim Sang-kyung as Yoon Hyeon-jong, a badminton coach who moves to the countryside to make more money. Oh, Na- Ra appeared in the character of Ra Yeong-ja, a living legend in the area of badminton. Tang Joon Sang, Kim Kang-Hoon, Lee Ji-won, Le Jai-in, Son Sang-Yeon, and Choi Hyuan Wook play Yoon Hae-Kang, Lee Young Tae, Lee Haan Sol, Han Se Yoon, and Bang Yoon-Dam, respectively. Ahn Se-Bin, Jung Min-Seong, Park Hyo-Joo, Shin Jung-Geun, Kim Ki-Cheon, Woo Hyun, Ahn Sang-woo, and many others appear in the show’s supporting cast. The show has a number of special appearances. Park Ho-San, Lee Si-aeon, Kim Ji-Young, Jo Junk-Shik, Jo Jae-Yoon, and others appear as guests.
Where Can I See Racket Boys?
If you’re looking for some decent sports drama, K-drama is the way to go right now, and Racket Boys is one of the best, as well as the only one that includes badminton as a sport. And you’re probably wondering where you can watch this series right now. This is available on SBS. SBS is also a radio and television broadcasting station.
This option is only available to those who are currently in Korea. Others, though, Netflix owns the streaming rights to this. You can watch Racket Boys on Netflix whenever you want. In addition, there are currently 15 episodes available on Netflix. And, the new episode is already on its way!