Cowboy Bebop is a 2021 American science fiction streaming television series. It is a live-action series based on the same-named Japanese anime series from 1998 and the same-named Japanese anime feature from 2001. Set in the year 2171, the series follows the exploits of a motley crew of bounty hunters aboard the Bebop starship as they pursue criminals across the Solar System.
The sitcom stars John Cho, Mustafa Shakir, Daniella Pineda, Elena Satine, and Alex Hassell, and was created by Christopher Yost. The 10-episode Netflix series was panned for its script, spectacular effects, editing, and action scenes, but received appreciation for its actors. Netflix canceled the show after one season in December 2021.
Is Cowboy Bebop Still On The Air Or Has It Been Canceled?
Unfortunately, if you were one of the few who hoped for a second season of Cowboy Bebop, you will be disappointed. Netflix canceled the live-action anime series just weeks after it premiered on the streaming service.
The general reaction from critics and fans of the original anime series appears to have been unfavorable, with many disappointed by the adaptation. Cowboy Bebop received 45 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, while the general audience gave it 58 percent.
Official Trailer of Cowboy Bebop:
Netflix published a stylized teaser trailer to commemorate just one month till the premiere of Cowboy Bebop on the streaming service. It offers you a decent idea of what to expect from the upcoming Cowboy Bebop series in terms of humor, action, and mood shifts.
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