“Jujutsu Kaisen,” or “Sorcery Fight,” is a horror urban fantasy anime series based on a manga series written and drawn by Gege Akutami. An adolescent, Yuji Itadori, realizes that curses exist and may harm individuals.
Itadori eats a powerful cursed artifact that resembles a rotting finger to defend his companions and a jujutsu sorceress called Megumi Ishiguro. Ryoma Sukuna, a curse that he bears, follows. Despite this, he manages to keep his body under control.
Itadori then enrolls at Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School, threatened with death by a looming death sentence. However, until he eats all of Sukuna’s fingers, it has been postponed.
The first season of the show just finished broadcasting. Here’s everything we know so far about the release date for Season 2.
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2: Has it Been Renewed? If so, When Will it be Released?
Jujutsu Kaisen‘s second season hasn’t been officially announced, but we may estimate a release date based on several available data.
On average, it takes about 18 months to make a 24-episode season of anime. However, this may vary widely depending on the detail and pace used in the production.
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Assuming that Season 2 is currently in pre-production, it’s reasonable to say that Jujutsu Kaisen will return. It’s safe to assume that MAPPA Studio will take its time on the Shibuya arc since it’s so anticipated.
As a result, viewers should anticipate Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 to be released sometime in 2023 or even 2024, depending on when the show is made. The wait will be lengthy, but it will be worth it in the end. The more time MAPPA devotes to the Shibuya Incident arc, the greater its impact on the anime industry.
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Possible Cast
Season 2 of “Jujutsu Kaisen” will certainly feature the same cast as Season 1, when renewed. There is also Junichi Suwabe’s Yuji, played by Junya Enoki, who takes on the role of Yuji, a protagonist tasked with defeating the evil Sukuna, spoken by Junichi Enoki.
You might also meet Yuma Uchida’s stern sorceress Megumi and Asami Seto’s headstrong teenage warrior Nobara, all of whom must pair up with Yuji. Jujutsu High, where the three friends practice, has Satoru, portrayed by Yuichi Nakamura, as the greatest sorcerer in town.
“Jujutsu Kaisen” is anticipated to grow with the release of the movie and the subsequent series of episodes, and new characters are likely to be introduced as a result. It opens the door to a wide range of talented voice performers.
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Plausible Plot
The Special Grade Curse brothers Kechizu and Eso defeated Itadori and Nobara in the season 1 finale. After realizing what has transpired, their elder brother Choso weeps for them. Megumi is found weary by Itadori and Nobara afterward.
Sukuna appears on Itadori’s hand and devours it as Megumi gives him the cursed finger. The word circulated quickly that three first-year students had broken three Special Grade Curses.
Gojo fears that one of his pupils may be guilty of betraying the school. Aoi and Mei Mei’s recommendations for promotion to Grade 1 sorcerers are Itadori, Nobara, Megumi, Panda, and Maki Zenin.
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Adapting chapters 64 and onwards (from volume 8) of the source material is possible for season 2. Yuko Ozawa, a former classmate of Itadori’s, maybe waiting for Nobara. Gojo and Geto’s difficult relationship might be the focus of the season.
The betrayal of Kokichi Muta toward the sorcerers may come to light. The relationship between the different student groups might be explored more in the presentation. Next season, Itadori may have to take on Choso.