In the Sanigawan area under Chakeri police station in Kanpur, a vicious criminal trapped a BA student in Premjal by befriending him on social media site Facebook and cheated him and a half lakh rupees.
A few days ago, he proposed marriage to the student. During the marriage talks, his criminal history came to the fore. On refusing to marry, he is now threatening to kill and defame the student. Even after refusing repeatedly, the girl complained to him at the police station. The police are currently searching for him. He escaped from the house.
According to the victim student, a few days before Diwali, this vicious criminal sent a friend request to him. Seeing the sales manager in the corporate sector in the profile, the girl accepted the proposal. According to the victim, the two met several times during this period. The two went to the bar-restaurant together several times. Meanwhile, on Diwali, when the accused demanded a gift, the student gave him a mobile phone. Apart from this, the accused also took cash from him. A few days ago, the accused asked the student to bring the mother’s jewelry.
According to the student, she came to know that the accused belonged to some other religion at the end of February. At the same time, he met him by tying kalava in his hand. When the accused insisted on getting married, the student informed the family members about it. On getting information about the accused, it was found that he is a resident of Gaddiana locality and belongs to another religion. He has gone to jail three times in molestation and once in the case of motorcycle theft.
The victim student further stated that after the reality came to light, the accused turned violent. He threatened to kill the girl and discredit her in the entire area. Not only this, but he also demanded five lakh rupees to quit the chase. According to Chakeri Inspector Dadhibal Tiwari, the accused has gone to jail many times. A report is being sought on the complaint of the student.