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Unveiling the Truth Behind Bought Twitter Followers Myth vs. Reality

Twitter, now known as “X” is a social media platform where the platform users broadcast their thoughts and messages. These broadcasts are known as tweets. Your tweets might be in any format, be it video, text, links, or photos. Mostly your followers can view your tweets and they can either simply like them or share them. They can also retweet the message on their own profile page. Now that we have a basic idea of Twitter, let us move to the topic of this article.

In this article, we will be discussing the importance of followers on Twitter and whether you should invest in buying Twitter followers. We will help you understand why buying followers is still a touchy subject among Twitter users and how you can gain the upper hand while doing such transactions.

Who are Your Followers on Twitter?

Followers on Twitter are people who have clicked on the “follow” button on your Twitter page. They will receive your tweets on their home timeline whenever you post a new tweet. Your followers will show up in your followers list and you can communicate with them via direct messages as well. You can view your followers by clicking on the followers’ link on your profile page. You will get a notification whenever someone new follows you.

Should you Buy Twitter Followers?

There is a misconception among social media users that buying followers on a platform might get you banned from the platform. It is a myth that has been widespread among social media users. But we are here to bust this myth and help you understand the reality behind buying followers on social media, in particular on Twitter.

Yes, you should buy Twitter followers but you need to be wary of fake followers. We will be discussing some tips and tricks that you can use to buy genuine followers on Twitter.

From Where Can You Buy Followers on Twitter?

You need to follow the below steps to buy genuine Twitter followers:

1. Always go for a company that has a good reputation.

2. Select the number of followers you are looking to invest in.

3. Enter your Twitter details i.e., your username.

4. Choose a payment method according to your convenience.

5. Just relax and wait for the followers to be added to your Twitter account.

Why Should You Be Wary of Fake Followers?

Fake followers are a major red flag when it comes to social media. Below are the reasons why you should tread carefully while buying followers on Twitter:

1. Fake followers are risky.

Fake profiles are basically used for scams. They can be used to gain access to the private information of other users. They can pose serious financial risks to your users. It is better to avoid fake followers if you do not want to put your reputation and customers at risk.

2. Fake followers are of no use.

You can say goodbye to further engagement if you have a ton of fake followers on your profile. If your engagement rate is low, your account’s reputation goes down.

3. Fake followers are clearly visible to anyone.

Several free tools are available in the market that can help anyone who bothers to check fake followers of any account. If you have bought fake Twitter followers in large numbers it might make your profile look like a scam.

4. Your account might get banned.

Buying fake followers on Twitter can get your profile banned. The Twitter terms of service clearly state that buying fake followers can get your profile to be banned.

5. You might follow fake accounts by accident.

It is quite common practice that a person follows back people who follow people. This is especially true in the case of newbie’s. But what happens in this case is that you might follow fake profiles by mistake. The Twitter algorithm allows you to follow 2,000 people at a time. You can only follow more accounts if your follower count increases as well. Hence, you might follow a ton of fake profiles and this can hamper your chances to follow genuine ones.

How to Weed Out Fake Followers on Twitter?

You can find fake followers in your Twitter account by scrutinizing the profiles using the below criteria:

1. Absence of Profile picture

Fake profiles normally do not have any profile picture on their account.

2. Absence of Tweets

Fake profiles have either zero tweets or they just have retweeted a couple of other’s tweets. They might be inactive for more than a month.

3. Shortage of followers

Fake profiles have very few followers on their accounts. In fact, their follower count may not even cross double digits in several cases.

In the unfortunate case that you find out that the followers you bought are fake and they are large in numbers, you can use a couple of tools for weeding them out. These tools can help you in removing a limited number of followers in a day.

We hope this article will be able to give you clarity about buying Twitter followers. However, if you are wondering about Facebook followers and likes, we have a great tool for you. The tool that can provide you with genuine likes with a small investment is FBPostLikes. This tool has several features such as segregation according to location, age, and gender, and they offer 24*7 customer support. This tool also offers discounts from time to time and they are a legit website. So, go ahead and start buying Twitter followers and you will not be disappointed. Just make sure to recall this article whenever you make a purchase so that you are aware of all the pros and cons.