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Who is Joseph Arcidiacono? Suspect in Ted Cruz incident charged

Joseph halm Arcidiacono

During the World Series Victory parade for the Astros Ted Cruz, the senator hailing from Texas had a strange incident while he was on a float in the parade. An anonymous man threw a beer can or a hard seltzer which was something quite surprising and out of the blue and now the Houston police have arrested the culprit for his repugnant action which is punishable by the law. Let us see who is the culprit and more about the incident. 

Who is Joseph Arcidiacono?

Joseph Halm Arcidiacono is the man who is allegedly accused of throwing an alcoholic can or something like a hard seltzer at Ted Cruz who is an outrageously powerful Republican from Texas. During the World Series victory parade for Houston Astros, the accused threw a beverage can and after the incident, he was arrested by the Houston police.

Joseph Arcidiacono a thirty-three years old man has now been charged with aggravated assault. Ted Cruz was sitting in the car and he was waving at the crowd for their victory and surprisingly out of the blue he was hit by a can. More details about Joseph Arcidiacono are not quite handy and whether he has previous criminal backgrounds are yet to be checked. 

But the Houston police have released the suspect’s photo on social media by charging him with aggravated assault. The Houston police said that around 4.45 pm on Monday they arrested the suspect during the victory parade. The Houston police tweeted “A male, 33, threw a beer can at US Senator Ted Cruz as the Senator was on a float in the 2400 block of Smith St. The Beer can struck the senator in the chest/neck area”.  More details about the suspect or the motive behind his repulsive action are yet to be confirmed. 

What Happened to Ted Cruz? 

The Ted Cruz incident was quite odd as no one in the parade expected a sudden repulsive action from the crowd. Ted Cruz and other powerful people were at the parade and Joseph Arcidiacono out of the blue threw a can at Ted Cruz and it struck him in his neck and chest area. But fortunately, the incident was not something serious so Ted Cruz didn’t need any sort of medical attention. 

After the incident, Ted Cruz tweeted “As always I am thankful to the Houston Police and Capitol Police for their quick action. I am also thankful that the clown who threw his white claw had a noodle for an arm”. 

There was video proof of the incident in which the alcohol can almost hit the Senator but luckily a close person around him tried to block it and it is very much evident in the video they collected at the parade. As per the video of the event, Ted Cruz appears to deflect the flying can much possibly and suddenly the members along with him pointed toward a man whom they believed to have thrown the can. 

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Joseph Arcidiacono after the arrest was given a $40,000 bond by the judge. But after this verdict, the public defender questioned and argued for a $100 bond. The argument for decreasing the bond amount was the public defender questioned the validity of this accusation since the can doesn’t meet the criteria for being a weapon that is dangerous and lethal. 

Furthermore, the public defender noted that according to Texas criminal appeals a dangerous weapon should have the potential to kill or harm or wound someone seriously and since this is a beverage can it cannot be considered a dangerous weapon fit enough to kill or harm somebody. 

As per the public defender, she said that the suspect Joseph Arcidiacono was around twenty feet away from Ted Cruz so the alleged officer’s statements do not match those conditions. But in spite of defender’s points to reduce the bond amount judge stood by his decision and also he put some restrictions to the suspect. 

Since this issue became a furor in the news channels and social media platforms the court imposed a number of bail requirements. And the restrictions include, Joseph Arcidiacono should abstain from coming within a distance of 1000 feet of Ted Cruz’s residence or office, not trying to harm or threaten the senator and he should abstain from using drugs or alcohol so that he should not be inebriated by any means. So as per reports. Joseph Arcidiacono is anticipated to return to the court on coming Wednesday for further trials. 

Some reports tweeted that Ted cruz was not well received by most of the crowd. Some of the reports noticed the behavior of the crowd when Ted Cruz came to the parade. So we could presume that Ted Cruz may have been the only targeted person since other lawmakers were also a part of the parade. Moreover, since Joseph Arcidiacono was charged with felony accounts he got bail under certain restrictions and bonds. So after being arrested he read out in court by saying “I know I am an idiot, I am sorry”. 

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