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Selma Blair Fights Back Tears After Leaving ‘Dancing with the Stars’ Due to Health Concerns.

Selma Blair Is Leaving Dancing With the Stars

It was on Monday night that the actress Selma Blair announced her retirement from the popular Disney+ dancing reality series ‘Dancing With the Stars’. The  ‘Legally Blonde’ actress made it clear that she was quitting the show due to health concerns. The actress was concerned about the multiple sclerosis she was having and decided that her body needs a break from the series. 

Selma Blair Is Leaving Dancing With the Stars

The actress was diagnosed with the condition after she went through an MRI and the results made it clear that she will not be able to continue in the dancing reality series. 

“I had these MRIs and the results came back and it just all adds up to I can’t go on with the competition”, Selma said to Sasha Farber, who is her dancing partner in the reality series. She also added that her body is taking a hit and with a chronic illness like this, the body will need special considerations, and the care and rest needed should be given to our body. Quoting her words, “it’s way too much for my bones. There’s just way too much bone trauma and inflammation… that I do not want.” 

During her meeting with the press after the show, Selma elaborated on the reason behind her leaving the show. She explained that she underwent an MRI last Thursday and upon consulting the doctors with her results, the doctor expressed his concerns about her rehearsals and performances. She was asked to continue her practice in a setting like a pool where she would not feel much weight on her knees. Selma also added that her condition was not horrible or so serious but she is aware of the horrible condition that might follow if she does not take the needed care now. That thought drove her to the decision to leave the show. 

The leaving of Selma left the entire cast and contestants of the show in tears. As her final performance, Selma did one final waltz with her dancing partner on the show, Farber. The connection between the partners is always praised and the last performance between the two was an emotional one. Selma told her dance partner Farber that “sometimes you make hard decisions, but I really want to have a last beautiful dance with you and bow out. Their final performance was set to the song ‘What The World Needs Now”. 

Selma mentioned so highly of her partner Farber that it was he who helped Selma to be herself, move around and support her in any way possible for her betterment. The partners maintained absolutely lovely chemistry on stage and as well as off stage. Selma dedicated her last performance to all those who wished and hoped they could do more but also the power in realizing the right time to walk away. 

The journey of Selma Blair in the reality series is also an inspiration. Selma Blair had once said that she was practically on bed rest for the past 10 years and the show was a risk factor that she was willing to take. She was one of the best contestants and an absolute crowd favorite. According to her dance partner Farber, Selma has turned everything the way it needs to be for him. He also added that after a hard year, it was dancing with her that changed everything for him.  “She’s inspired me again, she’s inspired so many people out there. She is a wonderful mother, an iconic actress, and a beautiful dancer now.”, says Sasha Farber, the dance partner of Salma Blair on the popular dance reality series. 

Selma Blair was one of the strongest contestants on the show so far. Her dance was so powerful and the story behind her journey made it extra special. The way she fought and found her way around MS is a true inspiration. In her meeting with the p[ress after the show, she mentioned her desire to do a contemporary dance of the style that she has yet to perform on the stage but she is also aware of the stress and effect that it might can have on her body. 

The judges along with other contestants were devastated about her leaving the show. They expressed their love and admiration for the actress through their words. Judge Len Goodman sent her off by saying that she had climbed mountains to be where she was and ‘Beacon of Light’ was the description that judge Derek Hough gave her. Final judge Carrie Ann Inaba rounded up the judges’ comments by saying that Salma Blair had truly inspired every one of them.

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Selma Blair ended her words with the promise that she will continue to dance, in all ways that her condition and her body allow. She also added that the practice sessions had done so much more for her than any other treatment till now. At the end of the show, judge Derek Hough promised the audience that Selma Blair will be brought back on the finale night and he will choreograph a number for them to perform on the day.