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Cybersecurity Statistics: 7 Crazy Facts

Cybersecurity Statistics: 7 Crazy Facts

Cybersecurity is intriguing, not just because of its mind-blowing technological aspects, but also because of the importance it has over online organizations. This aspect is not easily seen, especially if you don’t care much about cyber security statistics. Well, that’s exactly why we created a list of 7 crazy cybersecurity statistics!

#1- Cloud usage is at 93% in organizations

Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular in organizations to store data efficiently, cost-effective, and safely. Traditionally, companies had their own in-house data center full of hardware. But this is basically unnecessary and also unsustainable, especially when it comes to small-budgeted start-ups.

These are all the reasons why that 93% of organizations choose the cloud as their way of storing the data they have. Cloud services might feel insecure, and usually, they are the first targets, but cloud security has gone a long way. They are now secure, accessible, scalable, and of course affordable.

#2- One ransomware attack happens every 10 seconds

Ransomware attacks are more common than you might think. Infosecurity Magazine states that another ransomware attack happens every 10 seconds. These attacks are usually related to the peak in remote work; they are just more vulnerable to ransomware with all that BYOD devices and inefficient cybersecurity methods.

A new attack every 10 seconds means that in just 1 minute, 6 organizations become the victims of this attack type. If you want to protect your corporate network from ransomware, make sure to secure your emails, provide secure remote access to remote workers, and of course use strict policies on BYOD devices.

#3- Education is the most vulnerable sector

Cyber attacks are not directed toward every sector or industry equally. Some industries need to store more sensitive data and naturally, cybercriminals see them as more desirable targets.

Some of these most targeted industries for cyber attacks include government, service providers, or healthcare, but the most vulnerable is something else; education.

Universities and colleges store a great deal of data about their students. But at the same time, they spend too little on cybersecurity to cover up and protect this data. Unfortunately, education is an apparent and unprotected target against cyberattacks.

#4- COVID-19 boosted cybercrimes

Cybercrime has always been a prominent threat to companies, organizations, and of course, government. It was crucial even before the pandemic, but COVID-19 really helped cybercriminals a lot thanks to increasing amount of remote workers and more dependency on the internet.

According to FBI, cyberattacks saw a 300% increase since the beginning of the pandemic. These attacks mostly consisted of ransomware and phishing; which are clear indications that companies need to educate their employees and also secure their remote connection.

#5- Phishing attacks accounts for 80% of cyberattacks

Phishing attacks might sound evident and you might be asking; “Who even falls for them?” But unfortunately, phishing attacks are far more common than you think and they are one of the most significant cyberattacks from which any organizations might suffer.

This type of attacks can be incredibly advanced and you may not be able to tell it is a phishing attack until everything is over. The numbers also says this exact thing; phishing attacks accounts for 80% of all recorded cyberattacks. Sometimes the most evident is the most dangerous one.

#6- Companies have a significant budget for compliance

Cybersecurity compliance is of great importance for every web-based company. Compliance affects their operational continuity, business success, and their reputation in the eyes of authorities. Being a compliant company is not always easy, and it has a significant cost.

ITGovernance displays this cost by stating that 88% of companies spend over $1 million for compliance. Don’t get us wrong; this spending is a great decision to make your company network secure, to avoid legal issues, and to guarantee business operations.

#7- Cybercrimes will cost $10.5 trillion in 2025

The cost of all cyberattacks in the world has reached $6 trillion in 2021; but it will keep increasing. The total cost doubled since 2015, and now, experts expects that it will reach to $10.5 trillion in 2025.

The spending on cyber security services also increase, but this estimation on cybercrime costs is definitely worrisome and explains why we need more protection online.